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Adopt-A-Client Community Program:


This is a new program I have instituted to help those in our community who desire to have Chinese medicine for their health care.  So many people are moving away from Western medicine for a multitude of reasons.  Some for a loss of faith in our current medical establishments, others because of the rising cost of insurance &/or Western medical fees in general.  Although many insurance companies don’t cover Chinese medicine, the ones that will cover it are VERY stingy in how many “treatments” you can receive, leaving the costs almost entirely up to the client to pay out of pocket.


Almost everyone knows someone who has medical bills that are spiraling out of control or that NEED medical care but WILL NOT seek it because they don’t have enough money for care.  THIS is where YOU can make a difference.


In my clinic, I will have a board of clients (no names will be attached) who are in need of financial assistance with their bills in my office.  They will have filled out a hardship waiver but it would still benefit them to have the knowledge that their bill is TRULY taken care of so they don’t have to worry about it.  You can choose which client you would like to “adopt” and sponsor for their needs.  I will make arrangements with you to either pay the bill in full or pay as they go.  The option to help as much or as little will TOTALLY be yours.  But the GIFT you will be giving will be PRICELESS!


Thank you for participating!



(These are NOT actual clients, only examples of what you will see.)


Client 001

Current # of visits: 5

Traditional fees:  $175

Hardship waiver cost: $100

Client is working to pay off the bill but has only a part-time job that barely meets standard living costs.


Client 009

Current # of visits: 10

Traditional fees: $300

Hardship waiver cost: $200

Client is trying to pay the bill, but has lost their job due to disability and is working to get on disability pay.


Client 015

Current # of visits: 1

Traditional fees: $75

Hardship waiver cost: $15

Client has already amassed substantial Western medical bills, needs continued care but can barely pay off current bills and insurance no longer will pay for regular visits or care of any kind.



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